Category: Uncategorized

  • What can our response be to this glorious & delightful Trinity?

    In previous blogs we have seen how the Trinity not only defines God, but also allows us to see the image we are meant to be.  The Trinity further provides the means of salvation through Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection.  This provides the opportunity for us to be forgiven, transformed into…

  • The Trinity pays the Price

    In previous blogs we have seen how the Trinity is revealed to us, that a major attribute of the Trinity is love. We also saw the tragedy that although we are made in the image of God, that has been severely broken resulting in both terrible consequences and our inability to repair the damage done…

  • The Broken Image

    In a previous blog, The Trinity is love we saw why we can know this is the very nature of the Trinity.  As God tells us we were made to be in His image, so it is this love that should define us as well.  Clearly it does not.  So we need to explore what…

  • The Trinity is Love

    In the blog, The Trinity Revealed we saw God revealing Himself as never before, as three persons in one, Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.  God the Trinity is the starting point of understanding the God of the Bible.  But have you ever asked yourself the question, what were they doing for all…

  • The Trinity Revealed

    Everyone has a sense that there must be someone or something behind this universe but the question is, can we discover who or what this is?  Even the great physicist, Einstein, conjectured that it is as though a great mathematician designed the universe.  Interestingly, all religions seek answers to this question.  So can we know…

  • Michael’s Bio

    Michael Groves heard the call of God whilst at University in Australia when he was 20.  He obtained his Ph.D. in Biophysics from Flinders University, South Australia.  His wife Shirley was a science teacher but left formal teaching to raise our two children.  Michael’s first position was in Germany as a “Guest Research Scientist” and…